Wednesday 4 January 2012

A little recap...

I thought, with it being a new year, it would be an ideal time to have a quick recap of where I'm up to. I'll start with the sketchbooks.

So far I have nearly completed 14 sketchbooks. For some reason I envisaged there being 15 in total by the time of my exhibition. I wonder what my obsession with numbers, groups and sets means? I seem to be working towards 15 and this has been my goal for some time. Being 15 was an important age for me as it was when I lost my brother and had to grow up quickly. So far I have lived for another 15 years without him. Perhaps this could explain my preoccupation with the number 15. On the other hand, maybe I'm just looking for patterns to explain things in life. Whatever the reason I'll still feel much happier if I have completed 15 sketchbooks come exhibition day...nearly there!

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